Friday, July 17, 2009

We have mice!!!

Okay, not the kind that live in our walls and reek havoc. We have two new pet mice that Clark and Lauren adopted; they paid for everything including their cage, toys and food. Lauren named hers Biscotti , and Clark named his Algernon (yes, like the book "Flowers for Algernon"). It has been a great experience for them to take ownership and responsibility for something other than themselves. They have to clean the cage and take care of all their needs. Great for me and Dave.


  1. I'm all about kids taking care of their own pets! I think it teaches such valuable lessons. I'm not sure I could have done mice, but it's awesome that they're so excited.

  2. What happened to the mini goat? j/k
    Oh well, I'm just glad you have the good mice.

  3. You are brave! We had a mouse and Kabrynna loved it literally to death.

  4. You'll have to keep us posted on the status of the kids are lobbying with all their worth for a pet and I am somewhat reticent (gross understatement!)

    On a side note...I would really like to get together and chat again. My email is in my blog profile, will you email me so we can get in touch? :D



About Me

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Married to my best friend Dave, and mom to six wonderful children: Clark, Lauren, Nicholas, Jack, Nate and Ava.