Friday, February 19, 2010

"Before I got married I had six theories about bringing up children; now I have six children, and no theories." ~John Wilmot

We are excited to announce that we are expecting our sixth child!

I just turned 35 last month, and am feeling great...I can do this one more time! Well, that's my mantra, anyway.

When we told our chidren last November; they were absolutely thrilled! Even Nate and Jack are excited and pray for the "baby" every day. Christmas was pretty rough because I was quite sick, but now that I'm far enough into the second trimester I'm feeling fabulous!

We have an ultrasound next Friday to find out whether this little one is a boy or girl. We'll keep you posted.


  1. Jen! I didn't even know! I feel bad that I was no help to you. Congratulations!

  2. How wonderful! You are an amazing mother!

  3. I'm so excited for your family. Cant wait to see what your having. Glad your feeling better now.

  4. Congratulations! We are so excited for you! You will be passing me up! You go girl! I know how hard those last ones can be! It was so fun seeing you this winter!

  5. I have been totally absent from the blogging world for a couple of months -- so here I am catching up and finding such fun news! Congrats to you. You CAN do it -- I did the same thing at 35 (then had one more against my better judgment, yikes!)



About Me

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Married to my best friend Dave, and mom to six wonderful children: Clark, Lauren, Nicholas, Jack, Nate and Ava.